Happy Halloween!
Recently I've come across people that don't believe in one "ideal" partner. (Spooky right?) What I mean to say is people that don't believe there is "the one" in the world. These people believe that love is something that is cultivated and you can learn to love anyone. They say they can meet a handful of "ideal" candidates that meet "ideal" unnamed conditions and then, boom! They could spend the rest of their life as long as they both choose to put effort in. This is not only false but dangerous!
Maybe these people know they are being pessimistic... maybe they think they are realistic.. maybe they think it's all just a game we play until we find more of ourselves in the people they look for, I DON'T KNOW. But I think we can agree on if every time your partner said "I love you" they said instead "I could learn to love you... probably" you would understandable run. When dating someone who thinks they could create love with anyone you should question how strong willed they are, how passionate they are, or how flighty they could be...
As for me I think there are always "ideal candidates" But out of those there is always one that is the most ideal. If both of you don't believe you have found the most ideal person there will always be (no matter how loyal) at least some part of one of you looking around for better. You BOTH deserve to feel special and loved! Especially by your partner! Otherwise what is the point of exclusivity.
Life is magical. Anyone that tells you differently walk away; you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. I found THE ONE! And I have never been happier. People always tell me "Marriage is hard work" both Angela and I agree that we don't feel this way. It is said "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I say "Choose a spouse that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."
This post is a message of hope. I love my wife more than anything in the world and I have found my perfect fit. I truly believe that there is love like this out there for everyone. Every day of my life since I met Angela proves that true love does exist in this world. If you haven't already, go out and get your happiness. It's waiting for you.