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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Something Weird About Me.

Something weird about me is that until about 3 years ago I used to want to be 50 years old. Not because I particularly love having wrinkly skin but because I always dreamed my life would have steady direction and purpose by then. The good news is I didn't have to wait that long.

When Angela and I have kids its going to be hard for me not to tell them how happy I am to not be them. Growing up I always hated it when adults told me how easy it was to be a kid and to be without responsibility. Maybe I just had a horrible worry filled childhood. But I think what a lot of us adults forget is when we have a steady job and are established there is a lot less to worry about. I feel so much better being able to live free with money my wife and I make. It is so much better to have someone you can trust to be there, someone your not afraid to crunch some egg shells next to. The only reason I would wish to be younger is to be able to spend more time with my amazing and lovely wife. I don't worry when I'm with her because she simply fills me with a cute gentle guiding light.

After Angela and I got back from vacation last week we have been playing catch up with all the many things we've put off. I finally feel like we can get back into the groove of things. On Saturday, we had our mini girls night. Girls night is such a breath of fresh air. I am so thankful for our good supportive friends that show up to just relax and chit chat with just the girls. Angela and I had a good time being pampered by foot soaks and eating various cute foods.

On Thursday I took Angela to Rifftrax Live: Godzilla. It was fun to see a new MST3K. Its was the only time to see MST3K quip the 1998 Godzilla movie. It was so much fun! Almost as much fun as the Lord of the Rings Rifftrax.

It was fun to see a new MST3K movie because a lot more of the references are current.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Healing Hearts and Poison Water

Its amazing how in love Angela and I are. Okay sorry I just had to say it, please don't gag, but our symbiosis is a miracle. Everyday I wake up with hope that our love will last forever. When I met Angela I told myself to hang on to my heart because my past was one big Admiral Akbar telling me it was a trap. But then I thought to myself shes wonderful so far, and I have been a fool for much lesser things. So I opened up and gave her my heart and it was the best decision of my life. Angela is so good to me and we love to play together. Thursday night the 31st of July we embarked on our journey to the Redwoods.

Road trips are a lot of fun for us in fact one of our many passions is to travel. We have big dreams of traveling the world someday. When we went on vacation, we looked forward to another small step in our grand adventure together. We held hands and pulled our car out form our little apartment parking spot to travel the big world of open roads.

 Our fist destination was this cabin in the middle of nowhere, Orick, CA. This was a good opportunity to be one with nature as we took many lovely trails. Our diet consisted mostly of delicious gluten free PB&J sandwiches. We saw the majestic animals like this one. 

We couldn't believe some of the stuff we saw...
We also saw animals that we didn't know what they were doing...
But overall we loved being in nature and soaking up the beautiful scenery together.
We even saw a lighthouse.

We had so much fun on our vacation I can't put it all in here but the one thing that matters most is we did it together I had been here as a child but it was not anywhere near as fun without my love to share it with.