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Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend Road Trip

Angela and I went on one of our most fun road trips yet this past weekend! We didn't know we could have Friday off from work until Wednesday. Having 4 days off in a row is unheard of for us and we knew we had to take this moment for all its worth.  But where to go?! As most know Thanksgiving weekend is one of the worst times to travel because everyone floods onto the road and crazy traffic ensues.

I served a two year LDS mission in Idaho a few years ago and made lifelong friends. Since then, thanks to social media, Angela has been able to make long distance friends as well. However they live in Idaho...This golden opportunity presented itself when we realized freeways 14, 80, and 95 cut straight to where we wanted to be without going to populated places other people wanted to be, like Vegas. We contacted our friends in Idaho and they seemed very happy to see us; so off we went.

We were right! Our trip there was 13 hours with no traffic whatsoever! One thing that never occurred to me before was everywhere we went other than where we're from was around 20 degrees. I don't know why I assumed the temperature would raise and fall more drastically however it did get down to 5 degrees at one point. Just for reference its 65.5 degrees here and I can hear someone complaining how cold it is a few feet from me...

We stayed at a hotel in Ontario, Oregon Thursday night where they had an indoor swimming pool and spa. Also it was so much fun to do our Black Friday shopping where there was no sales tax! But the real fun began when we arrived at our friend's house. What an amazing family! Melissa may be the best mom I have ever met and I do not say that lightly. We love her family to pieces and wish we could live closer to them. I admit to having a little social anxiety before we arrived but once we got there we felt so welcome it melted away.

They had me read "The Book With no Pictures" to the kids, which was a lot of fun. The youngest kid, Lydia kept running up to Angela giving her big hugs! We talked about anything and everything it was so comfortable for me to pick up where I left off and they were so good at making Angela and I feel like part of the family. They are so adorable when we woke up the next morning they even brought us breakfast in bed!
Peter and Lucas love to play video games on the computer and Wii. I was able to talk to them about this just long enough to find out that they like to play Steam games. We should find out their steam names so we can play together one day. On our way out Lydia gave Angela a friendship bracelet she made and Whitney waved us goodbye as we drove away. Angela and I love to just get up and go places. I am so thankful for this because it provides us opportunity to see such amazing people. This last weekend we drove 2,300 miles for a total of 36 hours of driving time. As you can tell Angela got some wonderful photos as well. We are so glad we went and would not trade our experience for anything!

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