So my plan last night was to surprise Angela with taking her to get sushi. I am by no means a sushi connoisseur and do not know the best place to get sushi. Angela has mentioned getting sushi for a while so I felt like it was time to make it happen. I looked at reviews of sushi places in the area and called some of them to get a feel of if I needed a reservation or how crowded they were. Angela and I don't really eat out much, we prefer to spend our money on activities rather than food most of the time, so I was pretty lost when it came to finding good sushi which I have heard is tough to do for anyone.
I felt like it would be less romantic to ask Angela where she wanted to get sushi because I knew she would be as stressed out about finding a place I was. So I took on the battle myself so she could enjoy something she wanted without the stress. I decided on Minato Sushi in thousand oaks and let Angela know that I was taking her out on a date to get food and to not expect anything fancy.
Angela spent a little extra time on her makeup and picked out something cute to wear. Soon we where on our way. We pulled up to Minato Sushi and something unexpected happened. We started talking in the parking lot about other things and soon Angela decided that she just wasn't feeling sushi. Me without a plan and her dressed up I asked her where she would like to go, I would have taken her anywhere.
A few minutes later we were on our way to Walmart... I know, I know it was supposed to be a date and we were going to end up at Walmart. I felt like the least romantic person ever, like I failed somehow in relationship 101. The reason we were headed to Walmart was because we read that they had Star Wars cereal with Darth Vader on the front.
It occurred to me that I was worrying to much. Angela and I are in love and it truly doesn't matter about the activity. That being said, had I have told Angela that it was a date and I knew the destination was Walmart I may have dropped the ball. But I had something nice planned and we are comfortable enough with each other to change plans. My goal was to make Angela happy and had you seen her face when she was eating little tie fighters and light sabers you would know I succeeded. As an added plus we decided to buy the original 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on blu ray and eat pizza as a date. We are such dorks, but in the best way. :)
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