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Monday, June 15, 2015

Our Trip to the Sequoias

This last weekend we just picked up and left, and it was such a good idea. I LOVE our spontaneous trips to random places. Angela and I love the freedom of just going anywhere we want. Angela and I went to the Sequoias this time. We still have a rental car because our car is still in the shop so it was fun to get the opportunity to try out a different car. We are glad we paid for the extra insurance because someone for no reason threw a shoe at us on the freeway and it scuffed our hood.  

Both Angela and I had never been to the Sequoias so we didn't know what to expect. When we went through Bakersfield it was 100 degrees outside. Everything was dead except the trees in the orchards. When we got to the gate of the national park we had to ask "Is there anything to look at or is there just more of this?" gesturing to the dead plants and hot weather. The guy behind the counter just smiled and said "Well this is the golden state." As you can imagine that didn't give us much comfort.

Photo credit Angela ^^

We paid the $20 to get into the forest anyway because we drove all the way there. It did get a lot better as we went up in altitude, the temperature dropped and the trees got prettier.  We pulled over and had a picnic on one of the picnic tables near some big trees. It's amazing how comfortable it is to go on a road trip with Angela we just do our own thing without a care in the world. On the way home we picked up pizza from my favorite pizza place Papa Murphy's take n bake pizza which we look forward to eating tonight.

My relationship goals for my wife and I are to get to an old age where people look at us with admiration saying, "those two people are the most in love couple I have ever seen".  So far it's been really great. We are not necessarily PDA but anyone that knows us can tell we are inseparable. We will definitely be that old cute couple you see holding hands swinging on their front porch.

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