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Friday, April 3, 2015

Fast Kite Sandwiches.

Angela and I are excited to go to the beach to fly our pirate ship kite today after work. Flying a kite just seems like the perfect way to start off our Easter weekend. When we were at Costco we decided against the air plane and dragon kites. I mean when else are we going to see a pirate ship fly around? This is not something that we in good conscience could deny ourselves given the opportunity.
Last night Angela and I had our first D-Box experience at Muvico. We saw Fast 7 and I have to say if you're going to D-Box it up at a movie I recommend this one. I don't know if D-box is the "Multi-Sensory Revolution" they claim it to be but we sure had a good time and the movie and chairs were very fun. We also watched RiffTrax Twilight with Angela's sister which I highly recommend checking out.

Angela and I try to stay healthy. Sometimes I even pick out random vegetables at the store and blend them together. This week we have things for BLT's and they are amazing! It's hard to resist having BLT's for dinner every day of the week. I would name that week BLT week and it would be the best week of the year. Can you tell I'm hungry for one even now?

Last thing on my mind for today is my smart phone. I've had it for a couple months now and I have to tell you guys my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is amazing! It's my first smart phone so I'm a little behind on things still. I remember when no one had smart phones and this was all farmland as far the eye could see. Old man Peabody owned all of this. He had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees... I'm playing bejeweled blitz on my phone now. I know that's an old game but it's new to me. If anyone has suggestions on apps for me to install let me know. :)

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