The hotel was very nice; we had our own fridge, WiFi password, heater, good parking, included breakfast, and Bath and Body Works soaps and shampoos. We were able to get good sleep before going to check out the national park. The scenery was beautiful; the clouds were perfect. We drove around from outlook to outlook and Angela would get out and take photos. I really enjoyed the quality time together, every place we went i felt we were standing on holy ground. I can't imagine heaven being better then looking out and seeing these breath taking views with my wife by my side.
After the sun went down, we went to Flagstaff to get supplies from Walmart. We got to try Blue Bell ice cream for the first time and it was creamy and delicious. In fact there was a lot of firsts on this trip it was Angela's first time to the Grand Canyon. That night it snowed a foot and we woke up to winter wonderland right outside our window. We wished we had brought an ice chest so we could have brought some snow home and and have a snowball fight with friends, but we did get to make a snowman.
Our trip may have only lasted a weekend but it was magical. I am so thankful that I have my wife that I can go on these adventures with. I get no greater joy then sharing my life with the one I love. We need to plan more of these weekend trips. I'm so glad we decided to just pick up and go. We had rain for 9 hours on our way home with no traffic. I know some of you hate driving in the rain but we loved every second of it. We even got to visit the London Bridge on our way home. :)
All photo credit for this post my amazing wife Angela if you like the photos please comment I'm trying to get her to realize how good she really is.
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